The Grow, Cook, Eat Club were invited to an Aga Cookery workshop by fellow foodies, and friends of the club, Jan Wildman and Pam Sloat.
The group were given a short talk on how an Aga works and how to use the ovens, boiling and simmering plates. The group were then able to produce a feast using the different elements of the cooker. First toast was made on the boiling plate and served with jam. Pancakes were made on the simmering plate and served with lemon and sugar. A Cauliflower and Chick Pea curry was created and served with rice and broccoli. To finish Jan had premade a pavlova base which the club topped with cream, rhubarb and tangerines. Washed down with elderflower cordial everyone enjoyed the feast around the large table discussing ideas for future food events. We were ably assisted by Monty and Jester the two Labradors who are particularly looking forward to the outdoor cookery session.