
Open Events

At Wisbech Grammar School we love hosting events throughout the year for children and their families. We offer an all-round enriched educational experience that inspires and encourages pupils to be their best. We would love to show you who we are and what we can offer your child to help them excel in our educational setting.

We hold an annual whole of school open event which allows you to see who we are and what we can offer your child to exceed in their education.

At our open events you will be able to meet the headmaster, teachers, parents and hear from our current pupils about life at WGS. We also hold events for different age groups throughout the year for you to enjoy. We also offer Year 5 academic enrichment events to help ease the transition into a Senior School Setting, these are our Super Science, Marvellous Maths and Taster Days. If you would like to join us please fill in our event form below.

Individual tours of the School can be arranged by request by contacting our admissions team at admissions@wisbechgrammar.com or calling 01945 586750

2024 Open Events*

Whole School Open Day

Whole School Open Day Saturday 28 September 0930 – 1230
Senior School Entrance Assessment Event Saturday 12 October 0900 – 1500
6th Form Open Evening Thursday 07 November 1830 – 2030

*dates and times may be subject to change.

To attend any of the above events please book your place using the form below or contact admissions@wisbechgrammar.com for more information.