This week during group time, Kindergarten children have been creating their own classroom rules. They have worked together to come up with some fantastic suggestions on how they would like Kindergarten to run and how both the children and adults should act and treat each other. My personal favourite was ‘bring your pet to kindergarten day’ and ‘chocolate with lunch every day.’
On Tuesday morning we had a walk to the Hudson to have a look at where we will be having our swimming lessons and got to meet the swimming staff. We also looked at the changing rooms and finished our walk with a visit to the pirate ship.
Wednesday saw the arrival of our bear cave. As our focus book for this half term is ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ we decided to create our very own bear cave! The children have loved exploring inside and have been looking after ‘Olaf’ our new EYFS bear.
On Thursday the kindergarten children went on a ‘Bear Hunt’ and found a bear cave at the edge of the filed. As we were walking up to the ‘bear cave’ we heard a ‘growl’ and had to retreat to a safe place. As we were running back we found a teddy bear that looked lost so decided to take him back to kindergarten and look after him. We are currently thinking of a name for him!
On Friday we finished our week with P.E where we enjoyed 6 different obstacles courses. In the afternoon we spent most of our time outside enjoying the sunshine with friends.
We have also started our focus based learning this week which looks at both phonics and maths. During this time, the children have enjoyed sound games including ‘big ears’ which looks at the sounds they can hear in the Kindergarten environment, and outside with shapes and number games.