
Scripts are down, costumes are measured, rehearsals are happening

15th June 18

Scripts are down, costumes are measured, rehearsals are happening

With less than two weeks before opening night at The Angles Theatre, the cast and crew of the Lower/Middle School production ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’ are rehearsing hard during the period 5 slots in the middle of the day. We are now at the stage that when they are not on stage they are being measured for costume or trying on costume that has already been gathered for them by Mrs Duncan.  Now that scripts are down, the real work of staging the piece has begun and stage manager, Vicky (4th Form), has the unenviable job of ensuring all the props are in the right place.

We have one more week of rehearsals in school before we pick the show up and take it over to The Angles next Friday. Excitement is mounting and with only a few tickets available it is advised that you get onto the theatre’s website booking system to make sure you don’t miss this biblical masterpiece!
