
The Reception School Day

Reception School Day
07:45 Breakfast Club
08:00 Playground Supervision commences
08:40 Registration/ Period 1
09:35 Period 2
10:25 BREAK
10:45 Period 3
11:40 LUNCH
12:40 Registration
12:45 Period 4
13:25 Period 5
14:05 BREAK
14:25  Period 6
15:30 End of School/optional Clubs and Activities
16:10 BREAK
16:20 Homework Club
17:30  School Closes


Assemblies take place on:

Monday – Prep School Assembly

Tuesday – Hymn Practice

Wednesday – Class Assemblies for Parents (listed in the calendar)

Friday – Star Assembly

Breakfast Club

Please ensure pupils are registered for Breakfast Club at least 24 hours prior to requirement via Pupil Services and that they are brought to the reception desk, no earlier than 07:45, where they will be signed in to school.